Monday, October 16, 2006

MuLi Says

It has been long since I have kept my mouth it? Not really, it will be better to say that I have not blabbered online for sometime....but your days of respite are over and I invite you all to relive the trauma of reading my blogs.

Are you wondering who is MuLi? Definitely, you are not from PGP-1 (2006-08) @IIMA. No problems, I will introduce him to you.

He is one seemingly harmless guy who can be spotted roaming somewhere in the beautiful campus of IIMA, busily absorbed in admiring the beauties not necessarily endowed by Louis Kahn (for the uninitiated, he is the architect of IIMA campus). But, do not go by the looks, the guy is a real dangerous viper.

Do not ever meet him even by mistake because once he finds a prey, less said the better.

btw, the introduction is yet incomplete .... or shall I say the story has just begun?