Monday, November 09, 2009


Today, when I switched on the TV, I saw three news items each one enough to shake me completely from within.

The first one mentioned that Mr. R. R. Patil who famously quipped, "Only a few people died.." while describing the unforgettable disaster of 26/11, has been rewarded with the Home Ministry in the newly formed Maharashtra government as if his removal in the aftermath of 26/11 was just meant to give Patil Saab proper rest before the taxing assembly elections.

The next one informed me that four goondas of MNS (who also got elected as MLAs) slapped Abu Azmi in the Maharashtra Assembly for daring to take oath in Hindi, supposedly the national language of this nation, also referred as Hindustan. When an MLA is not safe in an Assembly, who can dare to raise voice against these hoodlums of Raj Thackeray ? God save the people of Mumbai who brought him the second largest vote share in this region.

But, it was the last news that felt like the hardest slap on the face of the judiciary and the common man of this country. The infamous Manu Sharma (son of famous politician Venod Sharma of Congress party), convicted for life imprisonment in the Jessica Lall murder case has been released on parole (on sincere recommendation of Delhi CM, Mrs. Sheila Dixit of Congress party) to take care of his critically ill mother, Shakti Rani. But, to everyone's surprise, Shakti Rani is all hale and hearty, addressing a press conference in Chandigarh while Manu Sharma is visiting the elite nightclubs in search for his next hunt, another Jessica Lall !!! Does Manu have a license to kill at will just because he belongs to a privileged minority of politicians with power and money?

I am still trembling with fear and am unable to reconcile with the fact that I am continuously breathing under the reign of terror and lawlessness. I am bemused by the fact that most of us think we live in a free and independent country whereas in reality, we are nothing but constantly waiting preys for the carnivores of this jungle, who have turned mad in their glory of power.