I was eagerly waiting to hear the first independence day speech by Narendra Modi and he far exceeded my expectations on all counts. He inspired the whole nation and did not use the platform to achieve petty political gains. It was neither a report card of his 100 day government nor was it a laundry list of new government schemes. Rather, it was a vision laid out by the supreme leader of the nation rightly raising the pertinent issues and chartering the path ahead.
Narendra Modi has truly shown a great ability by not getting intoxicated with success. He has shown a great promise by indulging in consensus building (which many believed is not his style) and by strengthening the federal structure (replacement of old, ailing and ineffective Planning Commission with National Development Reforms Commission). Though the biggest highlight of the address was his emphasis on women safety and sanitation.
NaMo through his speech has given a message to all the khaps and politicians such as Mulayam that rape is not a fault of women (as it is made out to be) but of men. This is a stern message for the deviated because I strongly believe that our man will follow his words with strict action.
His second best act of the day was emphasis on sanitation, specially for women. I personally know of remarkable results achieved in terms of girl student enrollment, reduction in drop out rates and increase in attendance that have been achieved in schools managed by Infotech Enterprises Charitable Trust in Hyderabad through provision of separate toilets for girls. If all corporates decide to honor their CSR obligations (2% of profits) and dedicate it towards construction of toilets in schools, the country will achieve a remarkable milestone in promoting girl education and strengthening the future of our Nation.
Here is a PM who despite being 60+, has the courage to commit on a public platform to deliver more man hours than the government staff. Unlike many previous PMs who were rote readers of the written notes, the current PM has invigorated the nation and reminded everyone of their duty to contribute to nation building. Look forward to many more such inspiring speeches from the man for years to come.
Jai Hind.