Jumping Jalebis - The team
Gendy - The 6'2" tall sportstar bachcha, always filled with enthu and never say die attitude...
Vartika- The under 40 kg baby - a diligent worker, can be a source of inspiration to red ants for perseverance and hard work
Adrian- The "mature" sportsperson who speaks with elan and experience.
Thita - The pseud girl the swift talker, the confident practical manager
Tasha- The funny little girl, the one who keeps the energy and fun going together, under pressure.
Muli, Myself - the famous freerider :P
November 25, 2007 00:00 am Venue: D-325, WIMWI
Confluence NB gives the ratings of the team for awards of excellence, we are yet to open our account and the leading team "Absolutis" is way ahead with 64 points.
Gendy: Do not worry guys, we still have three events tomorrow and we still stand a chance.
Vartika: Ya, let us put our best effort, I am trying hard for our PPT
Muli : We got no chance, what do you think we are going to win all three events tomorrow....all in a day, you seem to be dreaming...it is even less probable than India winning this test match.
Someone: India can win this match if they restrict Pakistan early tomorrow..
November 25, 2007 01:30 am Venue: D-519, WIMWI
Adrian and Vartika have finished their parts for the R&D PPT. I had gone for the Deloitte event which we lost, my laptop started giving problems and disrupted their works.
Thita arrives with her pseud PPT for Opulence, I am just amazed by all the efforts put by her.
We criticize it, discuss and make the changes. It seemed good to me.
They asked me to find few facts and we left to catch some sleep.
November 25, 2007 09:30 am Venue: CR-7, WIMWI - Opulence
Thita gave a good confident presentation and She and Adrian tackled the questions tactfully. It seemed good and we heard all other teams as well.
Thita: what does your gut feel say/
Me: We should be in top three... (I too knew that it was not good enough to be in top three, to keep our hopes going, we must be at the top .... but the pessimist in me stopped me)
The judges commented on our slides, white font on yellow background...utterly bad choice...you simply cannot read it..our hopes start dwindling.
They ask for the second round with a change in situation, we put all our grey cells to work and came up with a flurry of initiatives...judges condemned it saying you should stick to your initial position and should try to scale it up rather than coming up with new proposals....our hopes are thrashed.
Vartika left for making modifications for the paper presentation contest. I get anxious and excused myself by saying I am going to help Vartika. Truly speaking, I was unable to stop myself there to keep waiting for the results.
November 25, 2007 12:30 pm Venue: 519, WIMWI
I come back to the room and listen to the good news -
November 25, 2007 4:30 pm Venue: D-438, WIMWI
I do a dry run of the PPT- adrian and vartika telling me to calm down and forget about the stakes. I am getting really anxious, the serenity of adrian's face and vartika's diligence inspire me to put in my best without caring about the rest.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: CR-4, WIMWI - Transcending Barriers
We go for the presentation - Vartika begins in her soft voice, I talk about the brain drain, passionately only to find the slides have changed faster than my speech - Adrian realizes it and gives me time to talk calmly before he comes in.
He talks well like a veteran about his part, the time keeper says five minutes remaining...I think what, I again get anxious...there are 2 videos and around 8 slides yet to be shown.
I go in and again get anxious, suddenly I remember the advice of my partners to keep the cool and forget about the stakes....I get calmer and I finish my presentation.
The judge asks a question and Adrian gives an apt answer with examples from the company he has worked for - another glimpse of his maturity. I try to chip in somethign from what I knew, the judge still does not seem convinced.
The judges talk about they were looking for a focussed and actionable approach. We think we suggested quite a few options and hence did not have a great chance.
Again, this was a contest where we were not even shortlisted initially. It was where one of the teams moved out at last moment and we, being the waitlist # 1 got a chance to present.
I go to CR-2 and see that our team does not stand a chance of winning even at Global footprints. They ask me about the presentation, my pessimistic reply ...Dont know, they were looking for a more focussed approach. I come back to CR-4 for results.
The results
Vibhor Tikiya and team gets third prize - Hey, he himself has been a researcher and of late, has developed good presentation skills.
Vijayendra Haryal and team gets second prize - he is a really good speaker and I thought we might have lost.
One fachcha volunteer murmurs - I thought your team was good enough to be a second or third..but
Gendy - The 6'2" tall sportstar bachcha, always filled with enthu and never say die attitude...
Vartika- The under 40 kg baby - a diligent worker, can be a source of inspiration to red ants for perseverance and hard work
Adrian- The "mature" sportsperson who speaks with elan and experience.
Thita - The pseud girl the swift talker, the confident practical manager
Tasha- The funny little girl, the one who keeps the energy and fun going together, under pressure.
Muli, Myself - the famous freerider :P
November 25, 2007 00:00 am Venue: D-325, WIMWI
Confluence NB gives the ratings of the team for awards of excellence, we are yet to open our account and the leading team "Absolutis" is way ahead with 64 points.
Gendy: Do not worry guys, we still have three events tomorrow and we still stand a chance.
Vartika: Ya, let us put our best effort, I am trying hard for our PPT
Muli : We got no chance, what do you think we are going to win all three events tomorrow....all in a day, you seem to be dreaming...it is even less probable than India winning this test match.
Someone: India can win this match if they restrict Pakistan early tomorrow..
November 25, 2007 01:30 am Venue: D-519, WIMWI
Adrian and Vartika have finished their parts for the R&D PPT. I had gone for the Deloitte event which we lost, my laptop started giving problems and disrupted their works.
Thita arrives with her pseud PPT for Opulence, I am just amazed by all the efforts put by her.
We criticize it, discuss and make the changes. It seemed good to me.
They asked me to find few facts and we left to catch some sleep.
November 25, 2007 09:30 am Venue: CR-7, WIMWI - Opulence
Thita gave a good confident presentation and She and Adrian tackled the questions tactfully. It seemed good and we heard all other teams as well.
Thita: what does your gut feel say/
Me: We should be in top three... (I too knew that it was not good enough to be in top three, to keep our hopes going, we must be at the top .... but the pessimist in me stopped me)
The judges commented on our slides, white font on yellow background...utterly bad choice...you simply cannot read it..our hopes start dwindling.
They ask for the second round with a change in situation, we put all our grey cells to work and came up with a flurry of initiatives...judges condemned it saying you should stick to your initial position and should try to scale it up rather than coming up with new proposals....our hopes are thrashed.
Vartika left for making modifications for the paper presentation contest. I get anxious and excused myself by saying I am going to help Vartika. Truly speaking, I was unable to stop myself there to keep waiting for the results.
November 25, 2007 12:30 pm Venue: 519, WIMWI
I come back to the room and listen to the good news -
We stood first in Opulence and have earned our first 30 points
Vartika is disappointed to know that I did not find the facts for my part last night...I ask her not to worry, I get motivated and first few searches give me the required material.
We move to D-3 for getting comments from team mates.
November 25, 2007 1:30 pm Venue: 325, WIMWI
We revamp the old PPT, full reorganization, adding the international experience from Singapore.
We make our submission and head on to the Global FootPrints game.
We move to D-3 for getting comments from team mates.
November 25, 2007 1:30 pm Venue: 325, WIMWI
We revamp the old PPT, full reorganization, adding the international experience from Singapore.
We make our submission and head on to the Global FootPrints game.
November 25, 2007 2:00 pm Venue: CR-2, WIMWI
We start badly in the global footprints game, after an hour and half is passed...I have lost all the hope in this game and I ask thita and gendy that I am going to Adrian's room to practise for my presentation. Basically, all hopes are down once again as we seem to be lagging behind in this simulation game.
We start badly in the global footprints game, after an hour and half is passed...I have lost all the hope in this game and I ask thita and gendy that I am going to Adrian's room to practise for my presentation. Basically, all hopes are down once again as we seem to be lagging behind in this simulation game.
November 25, 2007 4:30 pm Venue: D-438, WIMWI
I do a dry run of the PPT- adrian and vartika telling me to calm down and forget about the stakes. I am getting really anxious, the serenity of adrian's face and vartika's diligence inspire me to put in my best without caring about the rest.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: CR-4, WIMWI - Transcending Barriers
We go for the presentation - Vartika begins in her soft voice, I talk about the brain drain, passionately only to find the slides have changed faster than my speech - Adrian realizes it and gives me time to talk calmly before he comes in.
He talks well like a veteran about his part, the time keeper says five minutes remaining...I think what, I again get anxious...there are 2 videos and around 8 slides yet to be shown.
I go in and again get anxious, suddenly I remember the advice of my partners to keep the cool and forget about the stakes....I get calmer and I finish my presentation.
The judge asks a question and Adrian gives an apt answer with examples from the company he has worked for - another glimpse of his maturity. I try to chip in somethign from what I knew, the judge still does not seem convinced.
The judges talk about they were looking for a focussed and actionable approach. We think we suggested quite a few options and hence did not have a great chance.
Again, this was a contest where we were not even shortlisted initially. It was where one of the teams moved out at last moment and we, being the waitlist # 1 got a chance to present.
I go to CR-2 and see that our team does not stand a chance of winning even at Global footprints. They ask me about the presentation, my pessimistic reply ...Dont know, they were looking for a more focussed approach. I come back to CR-4 for results.
The results
Vibhor Tikiya and team gets third prize - Hey, he himself has been a researcher and of late, has developed good presentation skills.
Vijayendra Haryal and team gets second prize - he is a really good speaker and I thought we might have lost.
One fachcha volunteer murmurs - I thought your team was good enough to be a second or third..but
The Jumping Jalebis win and get another valuable 30 points
Now, everyone is anxious, we are definitely getting 3 points for participation in Global footprints but can we get one more to make a joint first with absolutis - the answer is no because, the two last guys get 3 points and 8th position gets 6 points...so we need to be in top 8.
We start asking teams...how did they do, everyone is secretive and we are eagerly waiting for results.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: CR-2, WIMWI - Global Footprints
The results are getting announced and we are not in top seven. By some logic of the game which we misunderstood, we had lost badly. It really seemed like it all stopped at the end...but no, God was with us today and we were eighth, taking our tally to 66.....all in a day.
In the meanwhile, India had also gone to a winning position in the test match.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: RJM Auditorium, WIMWI - Award Ceremony
The team Jumping Jalebis receives a standing ovation from the audience.
Thanks to the friends of WIMWI for supporting us all along....
We dedicate this journey to the spirit of optimism and enthusiasm which fuels us.
We start asking teams...how did they do, everyone is secretive and we are eagerly waiting for results.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: CR-2, WIMWI - Global Footprints
The results are getting announced and we are not in top seven. By some logic of the game which we misunderstood, we had lost badly. It really seemed like it all stopped at the end...but no, God was with us today and we were eighth, taking our tally to 66.....all in a day.
In the meanwhile, India had also gone to a winning position in the test match.
November 25, 2007 4:45 pm Venue: RJM Auditorium, WIMWI - Award Ceremony
The team Jumping Jalebis receives a standing ovation from the audience.
Thanks to the friends of WIMWI for supporting us all along....
We dedicate this journey to the spirit of optimism and enthusiasm which fuels us.

Jumping Jalebis with their certis, at the end of the day

Jumping Jalebis on the Conflu stage in Action
(Note: Vartika is not missing, the huge Gendy has covered the miniature Vartika in the pic)
(Note: Vartika is not missing, the huge Gendy has covered the miniature Vartika in the pic)